Feb 09, 2025
IN 323 - Global CitiesCredits: 4 Semester Varies Globalization trends have increasingly influenced the way cities operate. The dispersal of production, expansion of cross-border networks, and proliferation of neoliberal techniques combine with the concentration of political, economic, and cultural power within places designated “global cities.” Recent economic “shocks” to these central nodes of trade, finance, and world-wide government reverberate in the actual experiences of individuals and social groups whose everyday lives are connected to these “global cities.” Taking lived experiences, subjugated voices, and spaces of resistance as focal points, this course aims to examine these particular cultural and political productions of “global cities.” Topics of interest may include: infrastructures of violence and repair; interstitial subcultures; environmental and post-humanist urbanisms; conservation and development; aesthetic innovation in city fictions; and contesting neoliberal regimes in/through urban forms.
Liberal Arts Perspective(s): Interdisciplinary Foundations Requirement(s):
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