Undertaking graduate study at Emerson College makes you part of a vibrant community of scholars, artists and marketing and communication professionals, all of whom believe in the vital importance of language, communication and the arts. Our dedicated faculty, accomplished and active in their fields, will guide your development, encouraging you to expand your skills and deepen your thinking, integrating new knowledge and fresh perspectives. Our diverse, multicultural student body is composed of people from around the world who share an excitement about learning. Our graduate programs in marketing communication, marketing, publishing and writing, popular fiction writing and publishing, journalism & media innovation, creative writing, theater education and applied theater, digital communication leadership, public relations, political communication, sports communication, communication disorders, the business of creative enterprises, writing for film and television, film and media art, and media design are all rooted in a common belief in the power of connection, collaboration and communication to change the world.
At Emerson you’ll be challenged to grow professionally and creatively, think critically and independently, work collaboratively and ethically. I hope you will accept these challenges, and will emerge from this place ready to accomplish your professional goals while contributing to the creation of a most just and equal society. The mission of Emerson College graduate programs is to educate the next generation of transformational leaders in the fields of communication and arts.
I believe wholeheartedly that each of you is up to this challenge. I can’t wait to see what you do with it.
Welcome to the Emerson community. Let’s get to work.
With warm regards,

Kimberly J. McLarin
Interim Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies