2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 Tuition and Fees

Application (nonrefundable)

Domestic Students: $60

Tuition Deposit

$400. This deposit confirms a student’s place after acceptance and is deducted from the first billing. Deposits are nonrefundable.


$1,402 per credit

Course Audit

$30 per credit. For students enrolled for at least 4 full-tuition credits.

Graduate Student Services Fee

(Campus-Based Programs)

$352 per semester (full-time)


$135 per semester (half-time)

Graduate Student Services Fee

(Online/Low-Residency Programs)

$50 per semester

Health Insurance

$4,133 (Annual policy)

$2,413 Spring Premium (for students entering in Spring only)

Late Registration

$50. The Late Registration Fee is required of all continuing students who do not preregister on dates listed in the course schedules and Academic Calendar.

Tuition Insurance


Breakdown of Fees

Graduate Student Services Fee

The Graduate Student Services Fee is a consolidation of campus-required fees that support several College services including Student Services, the Graduate Student Association, and the Emerson Wellness Center. All campus-based graduate students matriculated in a master’s program at Emerson College pay the comprehensive fee. 

Student Services

The Student Services Fee supports all departments that provide student-oriented services and activities on campus, such as the Office of the Registrar, Campus Life, Graduate Studies, and the Commencement Office.

Graduate Student Association Fee

The Graduate Student Association Fee is charged to each on-campus student to support research activities, professional opportunities, and graduate student organization activities. Online and low-residency students may opt in each semester for access to GSA activities and campus access at the part-time student rate. 

Health Services Fee

The Health Services Fee enables students to access the Emerson Wellness Center during the fall and spring terms. This portion of the Student Services Fee may be waived when students waive the Health Insurance. The 2021-2022 amount for the Health Services portion of the Student Services Fee is $205.

Health Services and Health Insurance

All students enrolled for 6 credits or more and attending any on-campus classes are required to submit medical history information, a TB risk assessment questionnaire, and immunizations. Information must be submitted online through a secure online student health (OSH) portal. Access to the OSH will be provided on the accepted student webpage and the Emerson Wellness Center website. Massachusetts state law mandates that all college students have certain immunizations valid and current as a condition of enrollment. Students who do not meet compliance with the entrance health requirements will not be allowed to attend classes.

Detailed information on requirements and acceptable dosing intervals are provided on the Entrance Health Form. The form is available for download from emerson.edu/admissions-aid/graduate-admission/accepted-students.

Emerson College Pre-Entrance Health Requirements Policy

For immunizations requiring multiple doses of vaccines, dates must be current and up to date. The Emerson Wellness Center will provide an extension to the due date for the next dose in the series.

A guide to the immunization requirements including acceptable documentation of eligibility for medical or religious exemption can be found below. All students must meet compliance with Emerson College health requirements and Commonwealth of Massachusetts immunizations as a condition of enrollment. Students who fail to demonstrate compliance with all pre-entrance health requirements will not be allowed to begin classes.

The information below is due to the EWC no sooner than June 1 and no later than July 15 for fall enrollment and no sooner than October 15 or later than January 5 for spring enrollment. A Health Hold will remain on a student’s record until full compliance is met. Students must:

  1. Provide certification of immunization as specified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulation (105 CMR 220.600);
  2. Complete/submit the online medical history; and
  3. Complete/submit the online TB risk assessment questionnaire. If responses indicate TB risk, a TB skin test or blood test will be required.

The following Emerson students are subject to the pre-entrance health requirements policy:

  • Full-time undergraduate and graduate students
  • Part-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the Communication Sciences and Disorders program
  • Any full- or part-time student on a student or other visa


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts allows for the following exemptions to the immunization regulation:

  • Students with a medical condition preventing immunization must have their clinician complete the medical exemption form.
  • Students with a religious belief that conflicts with immunization must complete the Religious Exemption Form.

Please note: In situations when one or more cases of a vaccine-preventable or any other communicable disease are present in a school, all students without evidence of immunity including those with medical or religious exemptions are subject to exclusion as described in the Reportable Diseases and Isolation and Quarantine Requirements (105 CMR 300.000). The exemption form can be found at emerson.edu/departments/center-health-and-wellness/health-forms. For questions, call the Emerson Wellness Center at 617-824-8666.

To be eligible to receive care at the Emerson Wellness Center, students must pay the comprehensive Graduate Student Services Fee. This fee helps cover the cost of maintaining the Emerson Wellness Center’s facilities, services, and programs. A description of the services provided by the Emerson Wellness Center can be found on its website: emerson.edu/health-center and emerson.edu/counseling-center.


Massachusetts law also requires all graduate students enrolled at least ¾ time (6 credits or more), who are not enrolled solely in short term courses or an online program, to be covered by a qualified health insurance program. Graduate students enrolled for fewer than 6 credits who are not enrolled in an online program must contact the Office of Student Accounts if they wish to be enrolled. The College automatically provides a health insurance policy for all matriculating students who are not enrolled solely in an online program. The premium for the 2023-2024 Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan is $4,133 for 12-month coverage, and the Health Services Fee for the academic year is included in the comprehensive Graduate Student Services Fee. The Emerson College health insurance policy is not available separately from the overall health services program. The Health Services Fee enables students to access the Emerson Wellness Center during the fall and spring terms.

The student health insurance premium may be waived annually by providing proof of enrollment in comparable coverage by another qualified health insurance program. Students must complete the waiver form online at emerson.edu/billing by the end of the second week of classes each year to be exempt from the Emerson College insurance program. In order to be considered comparable, the insurance program must provide for the following:

  1. The health benefit plan provides the student, throughout the school year, with reasonably comprehensive coverage of health services, including preventive care, emergency services, surgical services, hospitalization benefits, ambulatory patient services, and mental health services; and
  2. The services covered under the health benefit plan are reasonably accessible to the student in the area where they attend school.

Please check with your insurance provider for any specific restrictions or requirements that it may impose for you as a covered student.

The Office of Student Accounts sends information to all eligible students on the College insurance program and premium fee prior to the tuition payment date. Students are automatically enrolled in the College-sponsored plan. Those who meet the insurance waiver criteria must submit an insurance waiver form annually to the Office of Student Accounts by the waiver due date. Those students without a waiver will be enrolled in the College insurance program and billed for the annual premium.

Students enrolled in the College’s health insurance program are expected to be familiar with the plan benefits and requirements for coverage. Enrolled students are not required to obtain a referral from the EWC to obtain care from an outside clinician or specialist in order for care to be covered under the provisions/limits of the policy. Choosing an in-network provider will generally result in lower co-payments and out-of-pocket costs. The Emerson Wellness Center maintains a listing of local resources and specialists. 

The student health insurance policy is designed to offer protection against unexpected and potentially heavy expenses for accidents or illnesses. Information and fees for the Health Service Program and insurance is sent from the Office of Student Accounts with the tuition statement. For complete details on the Blue Cross Blue Shield policy, visit the University Health Plans website at universityhealthplans.com/letters/letter.cgi?group_id=395. Please refer to this document for specific coverage requirements and benefits.

Insurance Regulations for Students Who Experience a Loss of Coverage Midyear

Massachusetts state law requires all students participating in at least 75 percent of the full-time credit level (6 or more credits) to be continuously enrolled in a qualifying health insurance plan. Students who waive the College-sponsored insurance program at the beginning of the year and subsequently lose their alternative coverage are obligated to seek immediate enrollment in either the College-sponsored plan or a qualifying alternate insurance plan. In either case, students are responsible for notifying the Office of Student Accounts to enroll in the College-sponsored insurance plan or update their insurance waiver card with the pertinent information regarding their new qualifying alternate plan. There is a prorated premium available for the College-sponsored insurance plan when coverage begins after the start of the applicable policy year.

International Students

Massachusetts does not consider coverage by insurance carriers outside of the United States, including coverage by foreign national health service programs, as comparable under a qualifying student health insurance program. This regulation will require that the vast majority of international students be enrolled in the Emerson College-sponsored insurance plan.

Billing and Payment

Graduate students pay the full semester’s costs as billed prior to the beginning of the semester (August 1, 2023, and December 15, 2023). Charges are based upon the number of credit hours for which students are enrolled. Each student is responsible for knowing and understanding fees and for meeting financial obligations on time. Account balances not paid on time are subject to a penalty assessment and cancellation of registration.

The Office of Student Accounts generates electronic tuition statements once a semester for the fall and spring semesters. Payment for the summer term is due at the time of enrollment. Electronic statements are not created for this term. Statements can be viewed through TouchNet by logging in as a student through eCommon, or as an Authorized User. Email notifications will be sent to students and their Authorized Users each time a new tuition statement has been uploaded. 

  1. Fall semester statements are available in late June and are due August 1.
  2. Spring semester statements are available in mid-November and are due December 15.

Payments can be made online, via mail, in person, and by wire transfer (for international students). In addition to electronic checking and savings payments, the College accepts MasterCard, VISA, and American Express cards. A 2.85 percent convenience fee will be charged for any payments made via credit card for tuition and fees.

The College Trustees reserve the right to change tuition rates or fees at their discretion, whenever it is determined advisable.

Monthly Payment Plans

Student accounts are payable to the College prior to the beginning of each semester, as billed. Students wishing to pay their accounts in monthly installments may do so by participating in the monthly payment plan. Arrangements must be completed prior to the payment deadline. Visit emerson.edu/billing/payments-refunds/special-billing-arrangements for more information or to enroll.

Credit Balances on Student Accounts

Credit balance refunds are available to students who have overpaid their accounts. To request a credit balance refund, log onto ecommon.emerson.edu/. Credit balance refunds are granted to enrolled students only when a credit balance exists. Please note that no refunds may be issued based on an anticipated credit balance (e.g., financial aid not yet disbursed). A credit balance must exist prior to the refund request. The Office of Student Accounts will process credit balance refunds within two Fridays from the date on which the request is received. Financial aid will not be disbursed until enrollment can be verified (after Add/Drop) each semester.

The Department of Education regulations state that students who receive federal financial aid totaling more than the amount of their mandatory charges are entitled to receive an automatic refund of any overpayments on their student account. Automatic refund checks will be made payable to the student and will be available at the Office of Student Accounts for pickup. Automatic refund checks do not have to be requested as they are automatically generated. This process occurs following the end of the Add/Drop period each semester. For more information and to determine if you are eligible for an automatic refund, please see emerson.edu/billing.

Refund Policy

Tuition refunds are made to students who have officially filed for a leave of absence or withdrawal from the College during the fall or spring term as follows:

  • During the first two weeks of classes: 80 percent refund of tuition
  • During the third week: 60 percent refund of tuition
  • During the fourth week: 40 percent refund of tuition
  • During the fifth week: 20 percent refund of tuition
  • After the fifth week: No refund is made

Students in all programs except Speech@Emerson may drop summer courses online for a full refund prior to the first day of class. If the summer session has started but the course has not met yet, students cannot drop the course online but may drop the course for a full refund by visiting the Registrar’s Office or emailing registrar@emerson.edu. If the course has met once, students are eligible for a 75 percent refund. If the course has met twice, students are eligible for a 50 percent refund. If a course has met three times or more, students must withdraw from the course and no refund will be made. Online courses without a set schedule are assumed to follow a Tuesday/Thursday 6:00 pm schedule for refund policy purposes.

Students in the Speech@Emerson program should consult with their Student Success advisor about the program’s refund schedule.

No tuition refund is made when College authorities require the withdrawal of a student or when a student withdraws from a course with a WP or WF grade. Other institutional fees are nonrefundable.

Withdrawal and Leave of Absence for Students Receiving Title IV Federal Assistance

All students are eligible to receive full credit of their tuition and fees, excluding nonrefundable deposits, if they withdraw or take a leave of absence before the first day of classes. Students receiving financial aid who withdraw or take a leave of absence on or after the first day of classes will have their aid adjusted using the percentage determined by the Federal Return of Title IV Funds calculation. Adjustments will be made based on the number of days a student attends, up to the 60 percent point of the semester.

Collection Policy

Outstanding balances not covered by financial aid or an approved deferred payment plan will result in the monthly assessment of a finance charge on the unpaid balance. Students with unpaid balances at the end of the second week of classes face possible financial withdrawal and referral to an outside collection agency. Students referred to an outside collection agency will be responsible for all collection costs and interest charges.

Note: All delinquent accounts are subject to credit bureau reporting. 

Graduation Policy

Students must fulfill all financial obligations to the College in order to receive a diploma. A student’s account balance that is a result of direct charges (tuition, room and board, fees, residence hall or disciplinary fines and any outstanding payments on established monthly plans), must be paid in full prior to the last day of class in that semester.

If a student has met all academic requirements but has not settled the account balance prior to the last day of class, Emerson cannot guarantee the student’s ability to receive their diploma or academic transcripts. To guarantee receipt of their diploma, and access to their transcripts, a student must meet all financial obligations.

Once all financial obligations are fulfilled, the Office of the Registrar will be contacted in order for the diploma to be released to the graduate. 

Loan Exit Counseling

If a student has participated in a federal student loan program (Federal Perkins Loan and Federal Direct Loan), mandatory exit counseling requirements must be completed before the last day of the semester. Borrowers required to participate will receive notice in the spring prior to their graduation.

Tuition Insurance Plan 

Elective insurance is available from the Dewar Tuition Refund Plan to enhance the existing refund policy of the College. This insurance provides coverage for withdrawals or leaves of absence not covered by the College policy due to date of the withdrawal or the nature of the charges. This plan would provide 80 percent protection for withdrawals as a result of injury, sickness, or mental health concerns. This charge will be automatically included in your bill. If you wish to waive the insurance, you can go to emerson.edu/billing/resources/tuition-insurance.